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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  February 27, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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studio audience edition of "hannity". how obamacare policies brought our nation to a tipping point. thank you for being with us. e o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> if i can persuade sharpton and o'reilly to be in the same meeting, then it means that there are people of good faith who want to get some stuff done, even if we don't agree on everything. >> big announcement at the white house and your humble correspondent was in attendance. it has to do with helping young americans at risk. tonight we will analyze with presidential senior advisor valerie jarrett and chief white house correspondent ed henry. >> sister or your wife or your daughter, how you can think her work should be valued less in the workplace? >> the democrats keep saying american women are getting hosed by the american economic system. maria will weigh in on that. >> come here. come here.
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>> and we don't want to overdo this mad as hell segment. no garbage cans tonight. a lot of angst from factor viewers. [screams. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone from washington. factor begins right now. hi i'm bill o'reilly. reporting from washington tonight. why i went to the white house today. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. as we have been reporting for years, the root of many social problems in america is the collapse of the traditional family. last night we documented it. and you can you can see that memo if you missed it on bill o' this afternoon, president obama at the white house announced an initiative called my brother's keeper to help african-american men who are at risk. the plan is to combine
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federal resources with private funds from major corporations to help the kids. now, i was invited to the announcement and i was happy-to-attend. the initiative is very well intentioned. but some specific things must be done. first, you have got to teach children at risk to read. if that takes one-on-one tutoring that's what has to happen. two, you have to provide mentors to individual children that the teachers pinpoint, who lack guidance at home. there should be a volunteer program for mentors in every city and town in this country. three, high profile americans including the president and first lady must go on television and the net to warn to warn young people having babs outside of marriage and bringing children into this world without resources is cruel. it's cruel. it has to be a campaign, a persuasion so young
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americans wise up. also, there has to be pier pressure not to get pregnant unless you are in a stable situation. we all understanding that? right now there is no pier pressure. that has to change. fourth, the initiative children must know about the work place and what is expected there finally law enforcement has to engage children at risk to convince them they are not the enemy. if those five things are part of the my brother's keeper's initiative i can guarantee you america will begin to turn the terrible situation around. but if people continue not to make judgments about bad parents, disorderly children, chaos in the family unit, we continue to make excuses for all that problem is only going to get worse. hopefully today the white house made the first step and i believe that american business, law enforcement and we the people will step up to help the kids at risk. i really believe that that's
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the memo. now for the top story tonight. reaction. valerie jarrett. i was pleased you invited me it to this. you shocked a lot of people. people were fainting when i walked in. >> we were delighted to have you the president mentioned in his remarks a culture of cynicism on the streets. not just blacks but it's the poor and the hard core, what they call gangstas. you know what i'm talking about, right? there is a culture of cynicism like we can't make it. we're not going to be art pa of this. we're going to sell drugs and we are going to do what you we want. have you got to get in there i don't know if you guys see the urgency of that. >>, he does. said this afternoon. we all have a role we play here. this is not a big government program. the government's role is minor. >> it requires accountability. it requires people to step up to the plate. and work hard. and stay in school.
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and excel and dream. but it also requires a community around them to provide a safety net. the president talks about his own childhood he wasn't sitting in school. >> he was very some guidance. >> he had a lot of guidance. what he says he wants for all of our children is to have that safety net. but he also told them, look, boys, you aring if to have to work hard and you are going to have to act responsibly. >> have to attack the fundamental disease if you want to cure it now, i submit to you that you are going to have to get people like jay-z, all right, kanye west, all of these gangsta rappers to knock it off. that's number one. >> i think -- what these boys need is positive role models as you said. >> listen to me, listen to me. have you got to get where they live. all right? they idolize these guys are the hats on backwards and the terrible rock -- rap
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lyrics and the drug and all of that you have got to get these guys. and i think president obama can do it. and you have got to put them on tv and the net and they have got to say knock it off. this is wrong. have you got to get them all. then you have got to get the president and first lady and every other -- had you magic johnson there today he is a good guy. you have a bunch of these guys and a barrage, barrage, barrage and make it uncomfortable to have a baby out of wedlock. make it uncomfortable to sell drugs. you have got to reverse the peer pressure. do you see where i'm coming from here. >> i see exactly what you are coming from. what we showed today is that there is evidence that there are wonderful programs out there that can inspire these young people. the president is a terrific role model. the room today was full of role models that these young boys can can look up to. what we have to do is take what's working and take it to same. >> are you just blowing off my idea here? >> i'm just telling you that i think there is a lot of ways of approaching. >> you had collin powell. >> terrific role model. >> they don't know who he
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is. >> actually i think they do. >> on the south side of chicago. >> of course they know who collin powell is. >> no, it's these gangsta rappers, it's the athletes, it's the tattoo guys. have you got to get them in there to tell these kids that you have got to stop the destructive behavior, you are going to wind up in a morgue or prison. >> i think don't underestimate those children. >> i don't underestimate anybody. i think when the president of the united states looks at you and he says i believe new and i was just like you and you can be just like me, that's the perfect role model. >> michelle obama. >> outunderstanding role model for the young people. >> i want you to tell her something from me tonight. i like the nutrition thing. i like the garden, i think that's all good. >> healthy eating, let's move. exercise. >> i want michelle obama to come on this program right here and i want michelle obama to look into that camera and say you teenage girls you stop having sex. you stop getting pregnant. this is wrong. i want her to do that right here. do you think she would? >> i think what's more important than michelle
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obama coming on fox news is for her to spend time with young girls which she does she has had a minute toreship program for young girls since she took office. both the president and first lady talk about the importance of marriage and the importance of responsibility and she does it all the time young girls all the time. >> she has to do it more intense way. >> do you think coming on fox more intense way? i think her spending time in the classroom one-on-one talking to the children is really important and she does that. >> do you know how many people saw that super bowl interview? do you know how many people saw that? if michelle obama comes on this program and looks into that camera and tells teenage girls, not just black teenage girls but all teenage girls don't do these things because it's destructive. >> it's a great pitch to have her come on fox. i think it's better if she is actually sitting down in the classroom with the girls. inviting them to the white house. sharing her life -- >> -- that only reaches a few though. >> well, i believe that anything she does gets covered by the press. >> can i give you a compliment? >> i wish you would. >> i believe that my brothers keeper program is
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going to work. okay? i think it's going to work. but it will work a lot fast and you you you will save a lot more lives if you incorporate what i'm telling you tonight. if you get down to them in a way that is so personal. yes, do all the other things, and all the other things are good. but you are not getting gritty enough. all right. you go reply and then i have got two more questions. how much time do we have? do you have doo we have a bunch of time with ms. jarrett here? i'm sure she wants to get out of here. >> no. i'm enjoying the conversation. i think there are lots of ways of approaching the problem. the recognition that this is a problem for all of this that is a segment of our,"mñaccu behind. that we have to change that paradigm. and it requires a lot of effort. and it's not just either/or. it's a bunch of different strategies we have to take. >> all right. >> you know what? maybe if we can find musicians respect come and talk to them. >> either tell them you will will do it or you will audit them, okay? that's it? >> if we did that my goodness you would have a field day with that i don't
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think we will be auditing them. >> everybody would like that. tell them -- they will do it. these pinheads will do it if you tell them to. >> you know what bill that i really like is the fact that you are passionate about this and you care about these young men. >> i'm a former teacher. the kids that you saw up there today, i them in my class. >> exactly. >> i had them in my class 40 years ago. the situation has just gotten worse. >> it has. that's why we have to change the trajectory. that's what today was really all about. there is reason to be hopeful. because we can see the change that's happening. those boys today. many of them were at risk last year. and now look at them. they are standing tall and doing well in school. >> i'ming if to take three minutes more with ms. jarrett, okay, so we will take that off -- henry, we don't need henry. )e will use him but cut his=djk÷ time. look.ght, you have the poll cbs thing and it's bad. it's a bad poll for you guys. just about obamacare driving down the president's numbers? >> we have been through a challenging time.
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i think as a result of what the president did at the state of the union he changed the paradigm. we are going to have a year of action. is he going to do a lot of things that don't necessarily involve congress. >> do these terrible numbers worry you? >> the it president has never focused on the daily polling numbers. if he did that he wouldn't have run for president. what he is focusing on is the american people. what he can do. what action he can take to create jobs, create growth, create opportunity and that's what this year is going to be all about. >> this poll is bad for him. secondly, i'm worried you are cutting the army down to preworld war ii levels. i mean, you have got china, you have got iran, the you have got the taliban. >> we have the strongest military in the world. >> well, you are not making this stronger though. >> in the world by far we have the strongest military in the world. >> why cut it? why cut it? >> well, i would think that, you know, not that long ago you were telling us how we needed to get our fiscal house in order and tighten our belts and that requires a lot of sacrifices but we are not sacrificing the safety or the security of our country. can i promise you that. >> i'm worried about that. >> there is nothing that the president takes more seriously than his
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responsibility as commander and chief. >> i have got to tell you as an american, not as a bloviater, i'm worried about that cut. i don't think you are going to get it through congress anyway. final thing is, i wish the president, i told him this when i -- and i'm so presumptuous, i'm glad the secret service didn't arrest me. why don't you consider the voucher thing? the school voucher thing? just consider it maybe you don't have to do it the way it is now. but private schools have discipline. you know the kids we saw today, i mean, they could prosper in private catholic schools. and if you give them the vouchers, let the poor parents make the decision. i just wish you would just consider it just pilot program. >> we haven't considered it we certainly have. and@6z$(sk3÷> there is evidence that says the opposite. >> well, you know what? i think charter schools are a nice way to do experimenting and see what works and then take it to scale. the point is you can't can a give up on the public school system. what arne duncan has done has demonstrated that we need to put all of our
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effort to make sure all of our children, not just some of our children all of our children succeed in public school. >> we aprevent united states you coming in tonight. >> it's a pleasure. >> is it really. >> don't i look like i'm having fun? i am a. >> white house correspondent ed henry i just disparaged him will weigh in on brother's keepers program. factor coming right back from washington, d.c. ♪ ♪ ♪
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started a year ago this month in chicago is at an event with the president where he was highlighting a program called becoming a man which is sort of an after school sports program in chicago. the president was visibly moved there after meeting with some of the young people who are part of that program. some of those folks were back here today from chicago at the white house. and what stuck out for me then and now was that the president wasn't just sitting there saying i'm going it help people and set an example by talking about how great i am. he talked about his failures and whether you are an anchorman or president talking to kids like this. the president opening up about how he basically didn't know his father. that he used drugs. saying things you don't hear a president say could be more effective with these kids by saying look that doesn't mean you are dead end. you could wind up becoming president and becoming anchormen. >> those messages are all
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positive. the i chided him in the super bowl sunday interview. >> i remember. >> i said come on, when are you going to get off it and start do something big. got into the door today. what i'm trying to get across to the nation to valerie jarrett has got to be more personal than that the president can visit kids did at the white house. you can't visit with all kids. you can go on the television and the net and look into the cameraened a say don't do. this it's going to hurt you. it's not fair to the baby. that's that's what has to be done. got to get pinhead rappers and get these people idolized to start to get that message out that was not included in the initiative broader economic issues not just about this issue inive. make sure the broader economic policies helping
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people not just of color but helping people all around the country if you look at it just african-american youth unemployment right now is something like 26% in this country. the president has been in office for five years. you can talk about these initiatives. they may make a difference. but the broader economic policies that the president is pushing, that he is fighting it out with the republicans on the hill, those have a huge impact as well. when you have got 26% african-american youth unemployment, i think it's about 15% for hispanic youth unemployment, obviously broader unemployment is bad for people, white, asian, black, you name it but when you look at those kind of numbers there are a lot of policies that need to be put in place. >> the reason the numbers are there a lot of these kids can't read and speak. that's why we have to get back down to hey, if by the 3rd grade you can't read, it's one-on-one. have you got to teach them to read. can't read, never going to work. ed we appreciate as always. cbs news poll as i mentioned to valerie jarrett. very bad news to president
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obama. mad as hell segment. [screaming] >> those reports after these messages. dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. that's why i recommend polident. [ male announcer ] cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. i'veot a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's te for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is twon't relieve all your symptoms. new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. oh what a relief it is. than any other behind the counter liquid gel. it says here that a woman's sex drive. increases the age of 80.
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new poll from cbs news says that 79% of american adults are dissatisfied the way things are going here in washington. just 19% think things are swell. 63% say the country is going the wrong direction. just 2% say the opposite. president obama's job approval rating 41%. joining us now from new orleans to react big president obama supporter james carville. bad numbers, right?
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>> i would call them unimpressive. president bush ended at 21%, 41. that's somewhat different. and i would also point out viewers that the cbs poll tends to run about 4 or 5 points behind other polls. and it's just a matter of methodology. unimpressive numbers. >> so you are in office for five years and you are going into your sixth year. >> right. >> and then the country is obviously not working. >> right. >> you are the leader. i mean, there is a gazillion reasons why it isn't working. >> right. >> but it isn't working according to the folks. so, you are the president. now, if i'm the president and it's not working, i do different things. i don't stay the course. because, after five years, the course is not working. it's like an athletic team. after five years, if you you are still in last place, not making the playoffs. have you got to change.
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you say? >> well, i would say this: that first of all i don't -- very hard to really change the course. number two is there is a certain lag things if things ain't working. you and i have a disagreement. i think the healthcare thing is starting to work pretty good. not to catch up with the polling until sometime in the future. if the job numbers are the first two months of this year indicative of long term job numbers. then the numbers have going to say low. if however some people think not all the job numbers approved, the numbers will improve. but 41 and -- in the cbs poll is not impressive it's not awful. still could rebound. >> the reason they don't is money. it's not the job numbers that indicate how the economy is doing. it's how much take home pay you have. and right now, the take home pay is going down. it's going down. and no president can survive in the court of public opinion when take home pay is declining. it's impossible. >> well, first of all, i
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think he survived. i think 41 is a survival number. it's not impressive number. i will agree with you on that. and i couldn't agree with you more. the economy is unimpressive. it's been unimpressive for eard poof time. when the job market is as weak as it is, take home pay is going to be less. if you get a better job market, i think the economists will say you will get more take home pay. >> i'm telling you it depends on what jobs they are and these are not big time jobs that are being created. let me throw this at you. >> sure. >> you have an article in the "new york times" today, i know it's not the "times" picayune of new orleans but the "new york times." >> oh wow. >> second time the paper has done this kind of an article, that the republicans will probably make big gains in congress in november what it implies is the republicans may take the senate. if republicans take the senate. it's lights out for the president. >> it's not lights out.
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>> not going to get anything done. >> first of all deal with realities. i would also point out that much more negative democratic party in that poll. historic number. democratic ifers compared to republicans. >> all the independence are breaking republican. >> that's because there is more democrats than republicans. i agree with you this in the shaping up right now as a great year for democrats. i think it will improve. but the six year of a presidency never was. reagan got slaughtered in 1986. we don't go say that his presidency was a waste. >> in new york city if they lose the democrats lose the senate, it's just going to be one veto after another. and mary landrieu down in new orleans, she better be looking for another job. she sought. she is gone. >> no, it's tough. i will agree with you. >> want to make a bet on that? >> absolutely.
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>> dinner. james carville, everybody. laura ingraham on whether she believes the federal government can really help children at risk. and next, heather nauert with our mad as hell segment. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. [ male announcer ] this is the age of knowing what you're made of. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for est pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include adache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lastg more than four hours. stop taking vira and call youroctor right away if you experience a sudden decase or los in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor.
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mad as hell segment tonight. five feisty letters this
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evening. with us is heather nauert you see her on "fox & friends" in the morning. tony stem cells -- stells highland, new jersey. two years since the benghazi attack and congress has not been able to find out what is happening. all i hear is complaining. you are absolutely right tony, i hear you man. who is investigating what. >> first let's talk about the senate. senator lindsey graham kelly eye i can't tell and also john mccain went to the senate floor today. and they are calling for a special select committee in the senate to investigate the benghazi attacks. the senate intelligence committee has already released its report so this new call for a new commit in the senate probably not going to go anywhere. let's go over to the house and that's where there are five house committees currently investigating the attacks. there is one republican congressman from virginia. congressman frank wolf who says that there needs to be one select committee. not five committees. he is co-sponsored some legislation calling for that it has 184 co-sponsors at this point but it's not being brought to the house
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floor this is boehner again. is he absolutely right. >> largely because of leadership, yeah. >> one committee. our letter writer tony is absolutely right stop whining in congress if you are not going to find out what happened. second letter i'm very upset that you would pick on the surfer good who lives on food stamps he is doing just what he has it to do. you ought to report on all the illegal mexicans on food stamps. the surfer dude is exploiting the system. what about illegal aliens? not just mexicans and food stamps and other entitlements. >> there are about 11 million illegal immigrants in the united states 47% of those illegal immigrant households receive some sort of welfare benefit. that's accord to the center for immigration studies. 39% of those illegal immigrants get stood famps. and it's important to note that the adults don't
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actually get access to these programs. and that is why it's hard to come up with actual dollar amounts. because these programs flow through the children. >> all right. >> food stamps, for example. things like that. >> even if you are illegal alien, you can get the benefits for the kids. >> through your children, yes. >> through your children. >> that would be the snap program, food stamps, or medicaid as well. >> i got it all right, heather. third letter comes from kristen blakeslee, duluth, minnesota. the surfer dude is not unable to work but he allows others to work to support his lifestyle and shows not a whit of gratitude. absolutely correct, kristen. why? the guy is selfish and there are millions of americans who simply put themselves first. everybody else really doesn't matter. all about them. next letter comes from greg bass north olmsted, ohio. i'm mad as hell because people do not use turn signals. dangerous on the road. our society has gotten stupid and lazy. sometimes i don't use mine -- i'm guilty. got any data on this. >> you know what? you should.
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30% of all of auto crashes are caused by failure to use a turning signal or your blinker. 25% of people, this is according to the american society of auto engineers they actually went out and studied. this 25% of people don't use their signal when they are turning. almost 50% of people don't use signal when changing lanes and it leads to 30% of all crashes. >> from now on i'm using my turn signal. >> i'm going to keep an eye out for you on the expressway. >> heather be following me in her lamborghini. >> in my mom car. >> i'm mad as hell over the plural of attorney general. if you have more than one attorney general it isn't attorney generals. it's a little small but what's the grammatically correct. >> attorneys general. that's absolutely correct. here is the history behind it goes back to 1300s england. an attorney refers to obviously the person and then general refers to the practice of the law.
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so it became attorneys general. there is actually a movement afoot to do away with this. >> movement afoot? i want to keep it. it's attorneys and that's who they're and then general is as you pointed out. they are not really generals. just general. >> correct. >> heather nowrt, everybody, give her a hand. if you are mad as hell we want to hear about this. write to us at mad as hell are women getting short changed in our capital i his particular system? maria bartiromo on that up next. (vo) you are a business pro. seeker of the sublime. you can separate runway diculousness... from fashionhat flies off the shelves. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. and only national isanked highest in car rental customer satisfaction by j.d. power.
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so they can guarantee their low hotel prices. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly. reporting tonight from washington. in the kelly file segment, no megyn. she is off. so pinch hitting in new york maria bartiromo on the bell seen on the fox business network 9 p.m. eastern time. i want you to react from this statement from president obama. >> today, women make up about half our workforce. but they still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. that is wrong. and in 2014, it's an embarrassment. women deserve equal pay for equal work. >> all right.
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we annualized the 77 cents business or 77%, whatever it is. it's about 90% when you factor in all of the experience revelation and all of that. and you say? >> i think it's really difficult to know the truth is it 77, 87, 90? certainly agree if we are not talking about equal pay that's embarrassment in 2014. pay should be based on performance whether it's a man or a woman. >> okay. but there are many factors such as union membership. in a union you are guaranteed wages many more more -- men make more than women. that what is what drives the wages up. i'm not buying in inequality business, do you know why? if you are not being treated equally in the workplace you can sue the bejesus out of the business. there is an industry to do that and they do. so employers are fearful of
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doing anything that might be considered unfair to women. but here's the deal. the democratic party is embracing this whole women are not equal concept and we the democrats are going to fix that. to me, it's a political deal not a reality deal. am i wrong? >> no, i think you are right, bill. i think it is all politics. for the last five years, we have been hearing that the g.o.p. is against women and trying to keep women down. it's just not true. and i think that unfortunately, the whole topic and this line that, you know, women are served better under one party or another, i think it's not true. but frankly, it has worked for the democrats. it's working. >> yes, it's absolutely worked. no doubt about it propaganda works everywhere. if it's slick enough and it's presented enough, propaganda works. now, you, maria bart -- bartiromo, everyone, you
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went into a male dominated field a while back and were you ever discriminated against because you were down on the floor stock exchange floor did you run into any problems. >> when i first got down to the floor about 20 years ago yes, when i first got down to the floor there was a small handful of people who did not want me there, only because i was not a woman but i was the media first person to bring a camera down to the floor of the new york stock exchange. i never played the woman card. i never had issued beyond that, you know, first week when i was on the floor of the new york stock exchange and no one had ever done it before. for the most part, any time i would run into a challenge, i would say to myself okay, i have to study, study, study, do my work. make sure i know my stuff and kill it tomorrow. that served me very well, actually. just working hard. >> you were motivated to were in a male dominated thing. >> sure. >> were you paid fairly? did you have any gripe about your pay? >> no. i feel i have been very fortunate.
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i have been paid very fairly actually i have no problem. i have been having a wonderful career. sure when i first got down to the floor of the new york stock exchange there were some issues because it had never been done before. for the most part, i feel great about being a woman in the workplace. it's all about performance for me and it always has been. >> all right, marie a i hope that message gets out with women. it's not perfect but it's good. maria, once again. does she think the government can improve bad families? and then the tip of the day. unbelievable statement by kathleen sebelius. wait until you hear this. back in a moment. [ male announcer ] frequent heartburn? the choice is yours. chalky... not chalky. temporary... 24 hour. lots of tablets... one pill. you decide.
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prevent acid with prevacid 24hr.
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back of the book segment tonight. the week in review from the ingraham angle. laura ingraham has been watching the my brother's keeper situation which kicked off today at the white house. >> we need to encourage fathers to stick around and remove the barriers to marriage and talk openly about things like responsibility and faith and community. in the words of dr. king, it is not either or. it is both and. and, you know, if i can persuade, you know, sharpton and o'reilly to be in the same meeting. [ laughter ] [ applause ] then it means that -- then it means that there are people of good faith who want to get stuff done. >> all right. so, i know, you know, you don't like the obama administration, but, it seems to me that there is
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some potential here. do you see it that way? >> if you were president, yeah, it would have a lot of potential. i mean that seriously. i'm not trying to be flip here. when you had that moment with valerie jarrett earlier michelle obama should come into here into fox and look into camera young girls should should stop having sex outside of marriage, stop fooling aroundhaving babie. if that kind of bully pulpit was used at the white house that might be really powerful. bill, you haveline around not long enough. that is not going to happen. stay with the teacher's unions happy to kick god out of school and stick with the nea and planned parenthood. don't create jobs. make it more difficult for black youth it to get jobs in the inner city. they are going to stick with all these illegal immigration policies that allow people to be here and work here which undercuts the wages of a lot of those people that were gathered in the white house today. they are going to keep doing that. all of that hurts young african-american, young latino males who are here living in this country
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citizens legal immigrants hurts them enormously. so sociologically wedded to those statements your statements about internships that's great. that's not going to make your s about internship is all great. but that is not going to make a difference when we have an under-performing economy and the policy issues that end up thwarting the -- >> and you're making some very good and valid points here. but i think it all has to start with the family. so let's strip away the economics of it. because i don't expect the economy to get much better in the remaining three years of the obama administration, i could be wrong, but it didn't look like there is going to be a tax reform. i think the republicans probably will take over the congress and then make it impossible -- it will just be gridlock for two years. but let's get down to what can be done. peer pressure, that can be
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reversed. >> but how is that a government role? >> because the government has to force these pinheads, polite, to do it. look, president obama calls up jay-z. >> have you read the lyrics? the n word, all day long. it's not going to happen. >> he would do what president obama asked. >> did you see beyonce's new video, partition? it is basically porn. she and michelle obama are bff's. and she and michelle obama are -- she has this new video, he monica lewinskied all over my gown, this is female empowerment and these are people who are going to help the at-risk youth? >> well, i think the emphasis has to be personal. >> not with those people. >> they can be persuaded. >> well, they have to turn their backs on the music industry
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where they made hundreds of millions. >> how much money do they need -- they seem like they're nice people. stop the nonsense allowing pornographic videos. they're not going to do it. it is a cultural, a political fanaticsm that overrides the agenda. if those things were followed through on we don't have an economy that is producing jobs for these people and we have a culture dragging them down into friends of the obamas. >> they can create special situations for these children, they have enough profit. we'll see if they can do it. >> might create racial tension on the out skirts, it may be people on the outside of the
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affirmative action say wait a minute, we hurt already. >> all right, laura, thank you, what should be done with incompetent civil servants? you're going to see one. the tip, moments away. what super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. [ male announcer ] just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. [ corrine ] super poligrip is part of my life now. to seal out more food particles. ♪ see what's new at
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factor tip of the day, what to do with incompetent workers in a moment. but first, we will wrap up our auction for the fisher house wounded vets charity tomorrow at midnight. as you know we are auctioning off the notes i used for the presidential interview on super bowl sunday. they are signed by president obama and me. one of a kind historical item. so we hope you bid on bill o' and if you would like a replica of wint one, all you have to do is
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donate $50, very good cause. and finally, megyn kelly and brian kilmeade. we'll have a lot of fun on the campus. and go to billo', to get your tickets, hope to see you out there. and pam, san diego, mr. o'reilly, your idea to get the president and the first lady involved with at-risk children is great. i have another idea, there should be classes in family education. and o'reilly, i'm not your brother nor your keeper. my brothers and sisters are those who obey the ten commandments. you and your brothers and sisters are enemies of god. david, i'll keep it pithy for you, you need to get some help. and we need to require welfare
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recipients. you are right about the family breakdown of this country. but no one is addressing that our tax code encourages young men to stay unmarried with children. and very upset and annoyed that you maliciously attacked chihuahuas in your coverage in arizona. tell gizmo to calm down, i might have to come out there. i work at a veterinarian clinic and chihuahuas are land sharks, they would bite me in a heart beat. and bill you are not on facebook, you could not sign on without assistance. the real reason i'm not on facebook is because i'm not seeking anymore face time. and cheryl, north dakota, can't tell you how excited we are that you and miller are coming here, thanks for taking the time to visit, fly over.
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we are trying to get, cheryl, to every part of the usa, miller and i. we'll be in rapid city july 25th. fargo, north dakota, july 26th. a very big show coming up in pittsburgh two weeks from tomorrow, console energy, and grand rapids, michigan, close to a sellout already. for details on the shows, billo' finally, factor tip of the day. as you know i have been very critical of health and human services kathleen sebelius, she totally routed the rollout of obamacare and is clueless. the projection for obamacare by her own office was 7 million sign-ups in the initial months of the rollout. but now, ms. kathleen sebelius
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is re-writing history. >> that was a projection when the bill was first signed. i'm not quite sure where they even got the numbers. >> so secretary sebelius is not quite sure where they got the number, not quite sure. >> what does success look like? well, i think success looks like at least 7 million people having signed up by the end of march 2014. >> aha! the woman -- it is hopeless. so here is the tip of the day. when you hire somebody and they don't perform, fire them! kathleen sebelius should have been out of there a long time ago. that is it for us tonight from washington, please check out the fox news factor website which is different from billo' also we would like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world, billo', if you wish to
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opine, if you were a student of latin, you know what this means, otherwise you have to look it up. thank you for joining us, live in new york city, and tonight... >> i thank the families for their sacrifice. >> emotions high as military families go to washington and demand answers into the deaths of navy s.e.a.l.s. plus... senator rand paul tells us why he thinks president's nominee for surgeon general is now to grab america's gun and a tough lesson for some college students. more of this